Friday, March 1, 2013

GY.entertainment: Puerto Rico's NEXT BEST THING!

The upcoming entertainment trend in Puerto Rico will be GY.entertainment Company. This innovative entertainment company will transform the island’s industry by introducing into the event market a dual-operation company where not only clients will enjoy exclusive events, but also will have the opportunity of booking professional event consulting services.

What is different about GY.entertainment? The company’s events will be toured around the island. All Puerto Ricans will have the opportunity of assisting and enjoying GY.entertainment’s events. These events can be social parties, live concerts, cultural activities, and family events, among others. About the consulting services, the company will provide the best-personalized service to transform the clients’ ideas and dreams into reality and unforgettable experiences.

Starting operations in San Juan, Puerto Rico soon, GY.entertainment will first impact the metropolitan area of the island. Gradually it will impact neighboring areas as the company expands and reaches the whole island’s territory. The best characteristic about the market is that Puerto Ricans love parties and different entertainment activities to enrich their free time. This gives the company the availability of coordinating different types of events aimed to fulfill their entertainment necessities.

CEO Gloriana Yaret Garcia is more than excited to start running the business. Her years in the industry have given her the opportunity of understanding how the Puerto Rican event market is behaving, and to acknowledge that it is in the need of innovation. It is her biggest motivation to become the next leader in the Puerto Rican entertainment industry.

Venues like the Coliseum of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Convention Center, Aguada’s Convention Center (in the Westside of the island), local venues, collages, universities and nightclubs are some of the places where the company’s exclusive events will be held. For the consulting services, the venues will depend on the clients’ requirements. Note that for these services the client will enjoy the company’s warranty of receiving an excellent planning process.

So, be part of the GY.entertainment experience, and enjoy Puerto Rico’s entertainment next best thing!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Puerto Rico's Principal Financial Funding Sources

As in America the Small Business Administration helps entrepreneurs to startup their business, in Puerto Rico there are two mayor government agencies aimed to the same objective. These are the Government Development Bank and Puerto Rican Economic Development Bank. These institutions were created to help Puerto Rican start and develop their small business by providing financial aid.

The Government Development Bank (GDB) offers the economic sector economic stability functioning as a financial advisor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The agency offers to Puerto Rican business people several financial alternatives like: deposit and checking accounts, deposit certificates, loans, deposit certificates and zero-balance accounts. The agency also offers financial services like: balance consulting, periodic financial reports delivery, transaction monitoring and stop payments services. All there offers are also available my electronic banking.

The applicant must complete a funding request -which is available online- and specify the application's purposes, reasons and the requested amount. Other information available in the GDB site are industry insights for investors, and a detailed list of other affiliated government agencies that also provide economic assistance to young entrepreneurs. These organizations are:
A second government financial aid agency is the Economic Development Bank. It is aimed to develop and promote small and medium businesses providing various financing alternatives. The agency helps finance small and medium companies, new entrepreneurs, and businesswomen. It also also encourages the generation of self-employment.   

The agency also offers different types of loans, credit lines for contractors, business credits, and credit line for nonprofit organizations. Some requirements for these services are to fill a funding request, applicable federal or state warranties, 10% to 20% minimum contribution, and loan year limit stipulations. 

It is important to acknowledge that even though these financial alternatives help building up and develop potential business, are also future debts that will need to be paid. So, it is important for young entrepreneurs to be risponsible when financial decision-making is needed to benefit the business.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Business Plan Importance

Business plan performance is the first recommendable step to establish a company. One of the things business expert Angelo Meneguzzi has emphasized is the importance of redacting an attractive business plan obtain to investors. With this fact in mind, it is my intention to create an effective business plan in order to ensure investors of a safe start to the company.

Understating the importance of an outstanding business plan and its parts has given me the need of writing each component the best way possible. This includes drafting error-free chapters as detailed as possible, calculating actual budgets, and setting realistic goals parallel to the investors’. The clue to business plan success is to always considerate what would the investor like to see in each component to make him or her interested in the business.

Studying business expert Andrea Cockerton has given me the charisma of not being afraid of asking for money when it comes the time of talking about investment amounts. Most businesses plan their budgets within months in advance to organize their economic cycles. This means that approaches to investors should be done in time so the plan can be actually considered. Another important thing in the business budget is using real numbers and real economic goals. If the business plan shows the right numbers –according to the Puerto Rican entertainment businesses and its regulations- the investor will automatically understand that the company is up to a great start and that its employees know how the industry is behaving.

One of the most important parts of GY.entertainment’s business plan to investors should be the target market. Investors should be interested in investing in businesses where both parties share the same target market. This joint message will ensure that both parties benefit equally.

A second part from the business plan important to investors should be the budgets and financials statuses. Money is basically one of the main –or the main- engines of any company. If GY.entertainment does not demonstrate –by numbers- that it will be a financially competitive business, investors will not see potential in investing. It is mandatory letting them know that it is not a waste of time to decide being part of the company. This is ensured by:
·      demonstrating the capabilities of the company to fulfill its goals;
·      hired professionals enjoying vast knowledge and experience;
·      the company’s positional statement and mission in the industry; and
·      and the company’s opportunities of success.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Angelo Meneguzzi & Andrea Cockerton: International Business Plan Experts

Many business experts worldwide have taken the responsibility of professionalizing in business plan completion and execution. One of these professionals is Angelo Meneguzzi. Specializing in international business and technology strategies, he has collaborated with many worldwide companies. His contribution with professional advises and business plans have helped these companies to improve their production and enhance revenue. Some of these companies are ABC News and Disney.

Investors are key parts in business development. One of the things Meneguzzi has emphasized is the importance of building business plans to get investors. This document is a key component because it summaries the essence of the company, shows the benefits investors will earn becoming part of the company, and the industry opportunities. Investors always consider benefits. Another critical component Meneguzzi highlights –that investors like in a business plan- is seeing that the business is aware of the target market they are aiming.

Andrea Cockerton
A second business expert and advisor is Andrea Cockerton. According to her LinkedIn profile she is responsible of working as a fundraising consultant, helping 500 entrepreneurs through business workshops and ideas development. As an expert, she has enjoy memberships in recognize companies like Microsoft and the MIT Enterprise Forum. One her biggest contribution to the business world is cofounding Brick Handbag. This company is aimed to bring self-defense training for women. 

Within her opinion about offering a business plan for investors she mentions the importance of asking for money in time before there is no cash left. Other business plan critical components important for investors highlighted by Andrea is showing the company’s capacity of executing its goals, and its growing opportunities.

All these components are considered key elements because they demonstrate that the business is prepared to adapt to any changes that the market might suffer and still be successful. Investors then will see that they will not incur in risks investing in the company. They are also important because it will show investors that their collaboration will be worth it, profitable and that the company has true availabilities of being successful.