Monday, January 14, 2013

Angelo Meneguzzi & Andrea Cockerton: International Business Plan Experts

Many business experts worldwide have taken the responsibility of professionalizing in business plan completion and execution. One of these professionals is Angelo Meneguzzi. Specializing in international business and technology strategies, he has collaborated with many worldwide companies. His contribution with professional advises and business plans have helped these companies to improve their production and enhance revenue. Some of these companies are ABC News and Disney.

Investors are key parts in business development. One of the things Meneguzzi has emphasized is the importance of building business plans to get investors. This document is a key component because it summaries the essence of the company, shows the benefits investors will earn becoming part of the company, and the industry opportunities. Investors always consider benefits. Another critical component Meneguzzi highlights –that investors like in a business plan- is seeing that the business is aware of the target market they are aiming.

Andrea Cockerton
A second business expert and advisor is Andrea Cockerton. According to her LinkedIn profile she is responsible of working as a fundraising consultant, helping 500 entrepreneurs through business workshops and ideas development. As an expert, she has enjoy memberships in recognize companies like Microsoft and the MIT Enterprise Forum. One her biggest contribution to the business world is cofounding Brick Handbag. This company is aimed to bring self-defense training for women. 

Within her opinion about offering a business plan for investors she mentions the importance of asking for money in time before there is no cash left. Other business plan critical components important for investors highlighted by Andrea is showing the company’s capacity of executing its goals, and its growing opportunities.

All these components are considered key elements because they demonstrate that the business is prepared to adapt to any changes that the market might suffer and still be successful. Investors then will see that they will not incur in risks investing in the company. They are also important because it will show investors that their collaboration will be worth it, profitable and that the company has true availabilities of being successful. 


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