Sunday, July 1, 2012

Carlos Javier Milanes: 360 Group & Entertainment to the world!

Young producer Carlos Javier Milanes has dedicated for the past 5 years into improving the Puerto Rican entertainment industry radically. Being 22 years old, he is already the founder and CEO of 360 Group & Entertainment, a Puerto Rican entertainment company dedicated to the TV production and talent management. Carlos has also stood up as a media representative, MC, and reporter for different type of special events.

During his bachelor’s degree, he was the executive producer of two student television programs: “360, Un cambio Radical” & “Nueva Cepa”. Nowadays under the umbrella of his company, his has produced the new reality TV series “Quiero Ser Un Host” (I want to be a host), where the life of 6 recently graduates in Communications is seen as they struggle to achieve their dream of becoming hosts and MC’s. The program was launched May 14 at 10:00 p.m. in the Telemundo channel. Besides his collaboration to the Puerto Rican TV industry, Carlos and his company also manages the recently launched urban musical group G-ONE, composed by former dancers of other Puerto Rican urban music artists.

Being the company’s owner, artists’ manager, part of the cast and executive producer of his own reality TV show has not been an easy job for him. And here is where he practices negotiation tools everyday to find partners and sponsors willing to invest in each project to ensure their future and success. Negotiation is a normal and regular part to his business and projects.

So, to understand more about how negotiation is important to him and to his career as a professional producer, the following was asked:

Gloriana: When going to negotiation, how do you separate the people form past issues or problems?
Carlos: Since the moment that I seat to negotiate, the one sitting there is not Carlos Javier Milanes actually. He transforms into another man. I push a delete bottom to block all personal issues and feelings with that other party that could affect the negotiation. By these means, I can work and negotiate the most professional way possible.

Gloriana: How standard fairness and outside evidence helps you at the table of negotiation (objective criteria)?
Carlos: If there is something I’m good at is in knowing how my industry is functioning and its precedents. I always try to know everything, so if an opportunity is given where I have to change something from my offer, I will adapt to whatever the other party needs in order create more benefits to them. This is basically a marketing principal: create desires before the needs.

Gloriana: What does mutual benefits means to you in the negotiation process?
Carlos: When my turn comes along to talk and expose my case, I intent to point out everything in the less time possible. As long as the other part is asking me, I will start exalting them with surprises (basically leaving the best for the end). While answering, is when I come up comparing the situation with competitors, and exposing how the other part will be beneficiated with my offers. Knowing the completely behavior of my offers grants me the opportunity to adapt it to achieve mutual benefits.
Gloriana: What strategies have you adapted when positional bargaining comes along?
Carlos: Mostly, I appeal to the other party’s feelings. Still, I become stronger presenting the benefits they will receive by obtaining my offers. I let them see that otherwise, the party can incur in less cost-effective alternatives.

Gloriana: What has been the biggest challenge when negotiating?
Carlos: To achieve that the parties see me as a professional adult, and not judge me because of my age.
Young professionals as Carlos have demonstrated that there is no exact age when there is hunger for dreaming and success. Clearly his negotiation skills has helped him achieve many goals at such a young age. He should be considered a role model.